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Creating Holiday Offers your Customers will Love

Creating Holiday Offers your Customers will Love

Shoppers are bombarded with deals, specials, and incentives on Thanksgiving weekend and the days preceding – how are you going to stand out from the crowd?

There’s an art to crafting a good offer, it’s a balance between moving your customers to action and not giving away the entire farm.

Here are a few ideas to help get your own creative juices flowing!

Then, once you’ve got these, we’ve got more here in our Holiday Marketing Masterclass!

5 Ways to Craft Offers Your Customers Will Love

1. Create a Loss Leader.

Find an item your customers will love most that you can discount to move customers to your store or website, that you still keep some margin on. Think, door-busters!  Perhaps your door-buster is a product you purchased at a great price with good markup like accessories, or it’s a gift for the first 30 purchases like druzy earrings.

2. Offer Bundles. 

Some of your shoppers will be savvy enough to style outfits together, while others won’t or won’t have time to make that many clicks. Pair outfits together and offer them as a package price. What a fun thing to market to men that makes their life a little easier! After all, does your husband know your size or what you like?

3. Offer Incentives for Later.

Increase 1st Quarter sales by offering bonuses or gift cards available only after January 1st, to shoppers who reach a certain spending threshold, win a contest or sign-up for your e-news list!

4. Give a Gift with Purchase. 

Depending on the size/value of your gift with purchase, you may consider only offering this with sales above your AOV amount.  Or, a smaller gift with any smaller order. You might be surprised at what shoppers will spend to get something (cute) for free.  Here’s a way you could also use the gift card or bonus for 1st Quarter!

5. Offer Hourly Specials. 

The early bird gets the worm! Create a scaled discount that starts high in the morning and lessons throughout the day. This again creates urgency for your shoppers and demand for popular items. Just be careful not to go too high with your sale.  Rather than discounts across the store, choose which categories you want to move and that still offer protected margins. Then, change categories each hour to keep a lower offered discount.

For all your holiday wholesale needs and inspiration, create a free retailer account on Hubventory today and start browsing! We hope you liked this article on Creating Holiday Offers your Customers will Love. By shopping wholesale on Hubventory, members can take advantage of fair pricing and even member discounts on top brands! Sign Up to Shop on Hubventory.

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