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North American Animal 3" Figurines Tube with Head Topper, W37119

North American Animal 3" Figurines Tube with Head Topper, W37119

By Texas Toy Distribution
$ 100.00 minimum
AnimalΒ 3" figurines are a HOT item for animal loving kids! This adorable tube includes 12 wild animal figurines (3" in length) in it and x3 landscape pieces (trees and rock). To put this item a head above similar tubes we have an Antelope head top on the tube!

RETAILERS: Comes available in display box of x6 tubes, so please order in increments of x6 units. Retailers can use display box or sell tubes (or figurines) individually!

*Note: #37118 and #37119 have different figurines enclosed!

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Second Anniversary Week is Coming!

September 9 - 13